Venue: Memorial da America Latina
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: June 16, 2006
Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Naum Fernandes
Covers: Front - Back
Disc 1
01- Crowd
02- Intro
03- Overture
04- See Me, Fell Me
05- It's a Boy
06- It's a Boy (cont.)
07- 1921
08- Amazing Journey
09- Sparks
10- Christmas
11- Christmas (cont.)
12- Eyesight to the Blind
13- Do you Think it's all Right
14- Cousin Kevin
15- Acid Queen
16- Underture
17- Do you Think it's all Right - Fiddle About
18 - Pinball Wizard
Disc 2
01- There's a Doctor I've Found go to the Mirror
02- Tommy Can you Hear me?
03- Smash the Mirror
04- I'm Free
05- Miracle Cure
06- Sensation
07- Sally Simpson
08- Welcome
09- Tommy's Holyday Camp
10- We're Going to Take it
11- See me. Fell me (Finale from We're Going to Take it)
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