Spread Your Fire Santos

Venue: Clube Sírio Libanes
City: Santos, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: August 06, 2005

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Gate XIII
02- Spread Your Fire
03- Waiting Silence
04- Acid Rain
05- Nothing to Say
06- Carolina IV
07- No Pain for the Dead
08- Angels and Deamons
09- Never Understand
10- Wishing Well
11- Millenium Sun

Disc 2
01- Late Redemption
02- Winds of Destination
03- Rebirth
04- Angels Cry
05- Unfinished Allegro - Carry On - The Temple of Hate
06- Carry On (cont.)
07- In Excelsis
08- Nova Era
09- Gate XIII

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