Nowhere to Run!

Venue: Via Funchal
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: December 03, 2005

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Aces
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Intro
02- Center of the Universe
03- Soul Society
04- The Spell
05- When the Lights are Down
06- Edge of Paradise
07- Abandoned
08- Keyboard
09- Forever
10- March of Mephisto (feat. Mark Jansens)
11- The Fourth Legacy
12- Memento Mori
13- Drum Solo
14- Band Intro
15- Farewell

Disc 2
01- The Hunting (Somewhere in Time) (feat. Simone Simons)
02- Don't You Cry
03- Karma
04- Abandoned

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