Ego Must Go to Osasco

Venue: Centro de Eventos Pedro Bortolosso
City: Osasco, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: April 30, 2011

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Sézar [MASTER TAPE]
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Origins (The Day I Died)
02- Lethal Awakening
03- Turn Away
04- For Tomorrow
05- Inferno Veil
06- Time Will Come
07- Here I Am
08- Finally Home
09- Band Intro
10- In the Dark
11- Drum Solo
12- Immortal

Disc 2
01- Fairy Tale
02- Guitar Solo
03- Ego Pt. 1
04- Ego Pt. 2
05- Trybal by Blood
06- Ego Pt. 1
07- Ego Pt. 2
08- Outro

Taper’s Note:
* During this show Shaman recorded the new videoclipe with the song Ego, because of that, Ego was played twice.
* There was a small audience singing along louder, louder and louder all songs making that an amazing show!!!

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