Venue: Blackmore
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: November 27, 2010
Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Sézar [MASTER TAPE]
Covers: Front - Back
Disc 1
01- The Entrance
02- The Labyrinth of Truths
03- Age of Silence
04- Eternal Skies
05- Amon's Fountain
06- Adrift
07- A Secret Compartment
08- Troy
09- A Little Too Far
Disc 2
01- Valley of the Queens
02- Rebirth
03- Soulspell
04- Milvian Bridge
05- Band Intro
06- Alexandria
07- Can I Play With Madness
Taper's Note:
Edu Falaschi
Tito Falaschi
Heleno Valle
Iuri Sanson
Mario Pastore
Mario Linhares
Daisa Munhoz
Manuela Saggioro
Leandro Caçoilo
Lucas Martins
Jefferson Albert
Christian Passos
Gui Antonioli
Alex Voorhees
Marcos Lambert
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