Odyssey of the Titans

Venue: Jaxx Nightclub
City: Springfield, VA
Country: USA
Date: November 22, 2002

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Bruce Graham
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
Blind Guardian Set
01- War of Wrath - Into the Storm
02- Welcome to Dying
03- Nightfall
04- A Script for my Requiem
05- Hasrvest of Sorrow
06- Valhalla
07- Mordred's Song
08- Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)
09- Bright Eyes
10- And Then There Was Silence - Under the Ice
11- The Bards Song (In the Forest)
12- Imaginations From the Other Side

Disc 2
01- Lost in the Twilight Hall
02- Lord of the Rings
03- Mirror, Mirror

Symphony X Set
04- Evolution (The Grand Design)
05- Sea of Lies
06- (Inter-song Banter)
07- Wicked
08- King of Terrors
09- Church of the Machine
10- Somke and Mirrors
11- Of Sins and Shadows

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