São Paulo - Monster Rock City

Venue: Santana Hall
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: May 09, 2010

Video: A
Audio: A
Time: 1:10:02
Source: Audience
Taper: Sézar [MASTER TAPE]
Menu: Yes
Chapters Menu: Yes
Chapters: Every Song
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- Kai Guitar Solo
02- Armageddon
03- To the Metal
04- Rebellion in Dreamland
05- Man on a Mission
06- Heading for Tomorrow
07- Man on a Mission (cont.)
08- Ride the Sky
09- I Want Out
10- Future World
11- Send Me a Sign
12- Outro


Taper's Note:
Incomplete show, I had problems with my equipment and I could not taped all gig,
I only taped the last 70 minutes of the gig, sorry =/

If you want to trade it, contact me:

E-mail - MSN:
