The Fucking Storm

Venue: Santana Hall
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: December 05, 2010

Note: B
Source: Audience
Taper: Sézar [MASTER TAPE]
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Intro Dar-Kunor
02- Triumph or Agony
03- Knightrider of Doom
04- The Village of Dwarves
05- Unholy Warcry
06- Guardiani del Destino
07- On the Way to Ainor
08- Drum Solo
09- Dawn of Victory
10- Lamento Eroico

Disc 2
01- Holy Thunderforce
02- Dark Frozen World
03- Sea of Fate
04- Bass Solo
05- The March of the Swordmaster
06- The Frozen Tears of Angels
07- Emerald Sword
08- Outro

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