Springheart's Guild

Venue: Club Quattro
City: Nagoya
Country: Japan
Date: April 05, 2003

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Intro
02- Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited
03- Kingdom for a Heart
04- Victori's Secret
05- Broken
06- 8th Commandment
07- Last Drop Falls
08- The Rest of the Sun Belongs to Me
09- Campagne Bath
10- Blank File
11- Unopened

Disc 2
01- Guitar and Keyboard Solos
02- San Sebastian
03- Replica
04- My Land
05- Black Sheep
06- Wolf and Raven
07- Fullmoon
08- The Cage

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