Anime Family Festival 2011

Festival: Anime Family Festival
Venue: Colégio Nossa Senhora da Piedade
City: Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Country: Brasil
Date: July 02, 2011

Video: A
Audio: A
Time: 1:21:53
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Menu: No
Chapters Menu: No
Chapters: No
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- Viderunt te Aquae
02- Arising Thunder
03- Angels Cry
04- Nothing to Say
05- Heroes of Sand
06- The Voice Commanding You
07- Waiting Silence
08- Lease of Life
09- Deus Le Volt!
10- Spread Your Fire
11- Lisbon
12- Rebirth
13- Unfinished Allegro
14- Carry On
15- Nova Era
16- Pegasus Fantasy


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