Welcome Kiske!

Venue: CTN (Centro de Tradições Nordestinas)
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: December 13, 2010

Video: B
Audio: B
Time: 2:36:51
Source: Audience
Taper: Sézar [MASTER TAPE]
Menu: Yes
Chapters Menu: Yes
Chapters: Every Song
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- Intro
02- Twisted Mind
03- The Scarecrow
04- Promised Land
05- Serpents in Paradise
06- The Story Ain't Over
07- Prelude
08- Reach Out for the Light
09- The Tower
10- Death is Just a Feeling
11- Lost in Space
12- In Quest For
13- Runaway Train
14- Dying for an Angel
15- Stargazers
16- Farewell
17- The Wicked Symphony
18- The Toy Master
19- Shelter From the Rain
20- Avantasia
21- Sign of the Cross (Intro)
22- Band Intro
23- Sign of the Cross (cont.)
24- The Seven Angels


Taper's Note:
First time of Kiske in Brasil


Tobias Sammet
Michael Kiske
Kai Hansen
Jorn Lande
Bob Catley
Amanda Sommerville
Sascha Paeth
Olliver Hartmann
Robert Hunecke
Miro Rodenberg
Felix Bohnke

If you want to trade it, contact me:

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