São Paulo 2009

Venue: Manifesto Bar
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: January 11, 2009

Video: A
Audio: A
Time: 1:58:45
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Menu: No
Chapters Menu: Yes
Chapters: Every Songs
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- The Man Who Would Not Die
02- Blackmailer
03- Smile Back at the Death
04- The Clansman
05- The Launch
06- Lord of the Flies
07- Leap of Faith
08- Edge of Darkness
09- Voices from the Past
10- Virus
11- Alive
12- Identify
13- Kill & Destroy
14- Futureal
15- Stare at the Sun
16- Samurai
17- Sign of the Cross
18- Born as Strager
19- Man on the Edge
20- Robot


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