Bucharest 2011

Venue: Arenele Romane
City: Bucharest
Country: Romania
Date: May 01, 2011

Video: A
Audio: A
Time: 1:04:24
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Menu: Yes
Chapters Menu: Yes
Chapters: Every Song
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- Sacred Worlds
02- Welcome to Dying
03- Born in a Mourning Hall
04- Nightfall
05- Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)
06- Lord of the Rings
07- A Voice in th Dark
08- Lost in the Twilight Hall
09- This Will Never End
10- The Bard's Song (In the Forest)
11- The Bard's Song (The Hobbit)
12- Mirror Mirror


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