Santiago 2008

Venue: Caupolican
City: Santiago
Country: Chile
Date: April 13, 2008

Video: A
Audio: A
Time: 38:30 - 55:13
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Menu: Yes
Chapters Menu: No
Chapters: Every 5 Minutes
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
Gamma Ray Set:
01- Welcome
02- Into the Storm
03- Heaven Can Wait
04- New World Order
05- Fight
06- Empress
07- Rebellion in Dreamland
08- Heavy Metal Universe (cut)

Helloween Set:
01- Intro
02- Halloween
03- Sole Survivor
04- March of Time
05- As Long As I Fall
06- A Tale That Wasn't Right
07- Drum Solo
08- The King for a 1000 Years
09- Eagle Fly Free (cut)


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