Warszawa 2012

Venue: Klub Progresja
City: Warszawa
Country: Poland
Date: April 19, 2012

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Krus
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Ad Infinitum
02- From Chaos to Eternity
03- Triumph or Agony
04- Unholy Warcry
05- Lost in Cold Dreams
06- Land of Immortals
07- Aerons of Raging Darkness
08- Intro
09- Drum Solo
10- The Marc of the Swordmaster
11- Dawn of Victory

Disc 2
01- Bass Solo
02- The Village of Dwarves
03- The Magic of the Wizard's Dream
04- Holy Thunderforce
05- Reign of Terror
06- Knightrider of Doom
07- Encore
08- Emerald Sword
09- Intro
10- Erian's Lost Secrets
11- The Splendour of Angels' Glory

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