São Paulo '90

Venue: Projeto SP
City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: March 17, 1990

Video: A 
Audio: A
Time: 1:13:50
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Menu: No
Chapters Menu: No
Chapters: Every 5 Minutes
Cover: Click Here

Set List:
01- Illusions
02- At Least a Chance
03- To Live Again
04- Knights of Destruction
05- A Cry from the Edge
06- Crime
07- Theatre of Fate
08- Moonlight
09- Living for the Night
10- Soldiers of Sunrise
11- Prelude to Oblivium
12- H.R.
13- Wings of the Evil


Taper's Note:
In this show was recorded the videoclipe "Living for the Night".

If you want to trade it, contact me:

E-mail - MSN:
