Accidents Will Happen

Venue: Club Citta
City: Kawasaki
Country: Japan
Date: May 16, 1996

Note: A
Source: Soundboard
Taper: Unknown
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Welcome - Land of the Free
02- Man On a Mission
03- Rebellion in Dreamland
04- One with the World
05- Heaven Can Wait
06- The Saviour
07- Abyss of the Void
08- Time to Break Free*
09- The Silence
10- Dream Healer
11- Heal Me

Disc 2
01- Future World 
02- Fairytale - Tribute to the Past
03- Ride the Sky**
04- Heading for Tomorrow

Taper's Note:
* Feat. Timo Kotipelto
** Feat. Timo Tolkki

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