Live in Mexico 2000

Venue: Teatro Ferrocarrilero
City: Mexico City
Country: Mexico
Date: April 15, 2000

Note: A
Source: Audience
Taper: Unknown
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Carmina Burana (Intro)
02- Enter Vril-Ya
03- The Invicible
04- Invocation of Naamah
05- Nightside of Eden
06- Riders of Theli
07- Seven Secrets of the Sphinx
08- The Crowning of Atlantis
09- In the Desert of Seth

Disc 2
01- The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
02- Deggial
03- Wine of Aluqah
04- Instrumental - Drum Solo
05- Preludium - To Mega Therion
06- Cults of the Shadow
07- Raven of Dispersion
08- The Wings of the Hydra
09- Revelations - Outro

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