Temple of Shadows Demo

City: São Paulo, SP
Country: Brasil
Date: 2004

Note: A
Source: Soundboard
Taper: Unknown
Covers: Front - Back

Disc 1
01- Spread Your Fire
02- Waiting Silence
03- Wishing Well
04- Late Redemption (Mar 2002)
05- Angels and Demons (2nd Mix - Higher Vox)
06- Waiting Silence (Apr 2004 - Falta Letra)
07- Winds of Destiny (A) (Apr 2004 - Missing Lyrics)
08- Winds of Destiny (B) (Apr 2004 - Missing Lyrics)
09- Spread Your Fire (Apr 2004 - Different Refrain)
10- Shadow Hunter (May 3, 2004)
11- Wishing Well (May 4, 2004 - Worked Out - No Keys)
12- Morning Star (May 6, 2004)
13- Spread Your Fire (May 17~21 - Pre Prod.)
14- Wishing Well (May 10~14 - 3rd Version - Pre Prod.)

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